Lara Jade Workshop Review

Why am I writing about a photography workshop here? Well- two reasons. 1. This page is about photography, too. 2. I actually did it!! I’m a photographer. I love photography and have loved it for some time now. I got burned out. I attended one of Lara Jade’s workshops. I’m about to tell you all […]

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Cancer Can Kiss My A–

Why do people say that a person has “lost their battle” with cancer when they pass away? Did they really lose? Maybe the fought for a long, long, long time and now they are ready to move on. Maybe they fought long and hard and actually won the fight because they didn’t let cancer take […]

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Photographer Rundown

Okay. In case you don’t already know it, I’m a photographer. I get asked lots and lots of questions so today’s video is all about answering them. Being a photographer is truly an awesome experience and I’m blessed to be able to do what I love so much. Here are the questions. For answers, watch […]

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