My Daddy’s Birthday

Monica and Dad on the beach in San Juan.

Today’s my dad’s birthday. Or was. Do I still say “is”? I mean it’s technically still the day of his birth. These are the things that I think about now. The firsts. His first birthday away from this earth. The first Easter without him. My first birthday without him. The first time I have to visit his grave. How does he have a grave? We’re going this week. I’m nervous but I’m determined to do it. He’d like that.

Today. My dad’s birthday. We didn’t do anything special like I thought I would. No paper lanterns or balloons released. No sand sprinkled. I just spent the day with my mom, my sister, and my sister’s children. My dad would have liked that. We solemnly told him Happy Birthday in our own ways. His birthday was in the back of our minds but we tried to just enjoy each other the best we could. Just another first to get through.

This day.

Happy Birthday Daddy.

Love always, Monica

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