19 Kids and a Scandal

I’m sure you’ve heard about the latest scandal in the Duggar camp. If you haven’t, be sure to look for some stories on the 19 Kids and Counting family. In summary, the oldest son molested some children when he was around 14 years old.He doesn’t deny it and neither do his parents or his wife. […]

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The Evil Face of Social Media

Yes. Evil. I know it’s drastic but social media will get you caught up in some serious mess. I’m talking hurt feelings, lies, exaggerated success (or failures). Let me start off by saying that I love what social media can do. I truly believe that meaningful friendships, connections, and relationships can be made via social […]

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Fake It.

I love the idea to Fake It ‘Til You Make It. I love it!! I simply see it as meaning that I go through the motions until what I’m doing becomes reality. I’m not talking about pretending I’m something I’m not. I’m talking about being the person I want to be. I want to be an amazing […]

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