10 Things About Me

Are you wondering why I have all of these posts day after day this week? Well, I’m doing the Feel Good Blogging Challenge that Alex Beadon has started. It has been so fun and awesome! Today’s challenge is to tell you 10 things about me. So – here goes.

1. I am a twin and I’m the daughter of a twin. Yep. I have a twin sister. We’re fraternal even though we look alike. At least we were fraternal in 1981…lol. I’ve heard that there are new ways to determine whether or not twins are fraternal that may indicate we’re actually identical. Who knows. My dad is also a twin. He and his brother look nothing alike to me. They remind me of the movie twins where one was tall and thin and the other was short and round. Yep. That’s my dad and his brother.

2. I’m a math geek. Although I never finished college, I did study math. In fact, I’m less than a year away from graduating with a degree in Mathematics. Weird, huh?

3. I watch Cartoon Network all day long. I used to be an ID addict but realized that all that negativity of murder and death was really bringing me down. Now I constantly spend my days with Clarence and Teen Titans in the background. Nope…I don’t have children.

4. I’ve been married 8 years and have 0 children. That’s right. Love me or hate me but my husband and I are kid free. Would you believe that we get strange looks and questions all the time? We actually don’t have children because of infertility. I’ve had two tubal pregnancies. I now have only one tube and one ovary. And these are on different sides. If you haven’t figured it out yet, we have to do IVF to have children.

5. I’m a photographer. Most of those that read this blog already know this but for those of you that don’t here you go.

6. I love to bake. I love to bake and decorate cookies and cupcakes. I don’t always eat them though. I’m lucky to have a husband that takes this stuff to work!!

7. I have really, really good friends that I’ve met on Facebook and have only seen a couple of times in person. I never would have considered that possible when I was growing up. I love the friends I’ve made online.

8. I’ve lived in Alaska, Boston, Charleston (SC), and San Juan, Puerto Rico all within the last 8 years.

9. I don’t remember a thing from the Star Wars movies and have only seen 1 or 2.

10. I’m going to write a book next year. I can’t wait to get started!!


This was fun!! I have about 20 more things I can see adding to this list. 🙂

Love always, Monica

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  1. We are doing the feel good challenge too! Im Marie and we were kid free for like ever! * not saying you will change your mind, gosh I hated being told that! * Kudos, do yo thang! We were military so we moved around quite a bit. I LOVE cartoon network… I am going to blame it currently on kids but I was an addict before then haha!

  2. Hi Monica:
    It must be great to have a twin sister!
    And finding friends online is a great thing. About 10 years ago I met one of my best friends on the internet ♥.
    Wish you the best of luck with your book! 😀

  3. I always love reading about you, I feel like I already know you and then you throw a curveball in the mix like being a math geek. Now you know you need to get on Skype with Desman and help him with that 43 and stop playing, you can be honorary god mama you know they like you. LOLOL.

  4. I love how open and honest you are. It’s a breath of fresh air. And I have to say that I love cupcakes! I just got a mini cupcake pan to go with the rest of my baking supplies. 🙂

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