Week in the Life | Thursday

Today was what I’d call uneventful. I mean it really should have been more exciting. My husband had the day off and there’s a major festival going on in Old San Juan. We stayed home ALL DAY. Sometimes it’s nice to just chill out at home but that’s not we didn’t do much. I couldn’t sleep last night – at all. I mean I did sleep for about 2 or 3 hours but that’s not nearly enough. Messaging with my friend last night didn’t help either. It was fun but I was UP. I ended up getting up pretty early still – 7:30 or so. I mean I do usually wake up at 6 am but I don’t get up until almost 8. After we had breakfast – a shake for him and cereal for me – we ended up watching one of my favorite shows. I actually should have photographed that part but didn’t even think about it until this very moment. It’s called Seven Year Switch. It’s so ADDICTIVE! If you haven’t heard of it then you need to look it up. I did end up cooking a “brunch” but it was a major fail. My attempt at sweet potato hash browns was an EPIC failure. It turned into mush and stuck to the pan and I ended up putting the rest on my George Forman grill. I think I’m giving up on those. I’ve tried them before and they never come out right for me!

I was pooped after that so I took a nap – for like 3 hours! Day naps always mess me up so I was pretty much done for the rest of the day. I still don’t feel that great but hopefully tomorrow will be tons better. 

He's forever giving me crazy looks.
He’s forever giving me crazy looks.
Morning shakes are super easy and super delicious.
Morning shakes are super easy and super delicious.
They looked so promising.
They looked so promising.
My dear sweet husband photographed me. This was me for a large part of the day.
Barbecue is always a good idea.
Barbecue is always a good idea.

So apparently today was filled with lots of food – lol. I didn’t even realize it but hey, when you don’t go out you photograph what’s with you. I love to eat!!

Love always, Monica

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