Lego Fangirl

Star WarsI love LEGOs. I particular love the super complicated sets that take hours — or even days – to complete. I love to see the bricks form a huge and amazing structure. I love to sort the pieces and strategically put them together. I know. It sounds like heaven.
I decided to share this super geeky video and post because I’ve been writing pretty heavy lately. Some big things are happening in this world and I just can’t help but talk about it. In the meantime, I’m working on my artwork again and looking forward to some more LEGO sets.


Love always, Monica

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1 comment

  1. The legos are fantastic! We’re a huge lego family over here. It’s actually something the girl and husband do together and she’s getting so great at putting them together it’s impressive. I absolutely LOVE THAT VW VAN!!! That is so neat! This was a great light hearted post. Your deep posts are so amazing and incredible, you have such a way with words but I do love that you bring out that youthful side of you too! <3

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