Workout Annihilation

Those workouts can be killer. And when I say killer, I mean killer. Like I don’t know how I make it through. But – I do. And I’m so thankful when that cool down comes and I can relax.

I have always had weight and fitness on my mind. I’ve never been one that could eat whatever she wanted and not gain an ounce. I look at food and gain weight. I’m now starting to take that stuff seriously. I exercise every single day. Not a long time but I do it. I do 30 minute workouts that are intense but doable. I seriously am amazed that I’m even able to finish. I do finish. I feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment when I do. You see, I’m notorious for not finish projects and what better project than me. I get sidetracked or discouraged and don’t finish. I don’t get that A for effort. I don’t finish. I don’t get that rush of accomplishment. I missed it though. I want it and now that I know it, I’m addicted to the feeling.

21 Day FixWhen my workouts are completed for the day, I’m in such an amazing mood. I know I get on everybody’s nerves with my positivity. I can’t help it. I feel so good. It’s true that exercise gives you the best high…lol. But more than anything, I’m making my body do things I didn’t even know were possible. I’m becoming stronger and more flexible. I can feel my waist coming in. I can feel the muscles forming in my arms and legs. I can see that I actually have control over something. I can control my weight. I can control my shape. I can control my mood. This is a powerful thing.

I’ve learned to not be defeatist. I can do anything. YOU can do anything. Nothing is out of reach for me and I thank my amazing support team for that. My husband called me out and told me I don’t finish what I start. I mean I knew that. I didn’t know he saw that. That’s when it hit me. He sees me almost every day and he knows me like no other. I wasn’t hiding a thing. He could see that I wasn’t finishing things. He could see that I wasn’t living up to my potential. He graciously let me be the flighty artist that I am and supported my half ventures. But he saw it all. And that made me feel like I’d let myself down. So now my commitment is renewed. I don’t want to be known as the never-finisher. I want to be known as the always comes through. I don’t want an excuse for anything.


Love always, Monica

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